新萄京娱乐有严格的政策, 适当的流程和程序,以确保它维护最佳实践工会治理.
新萄京娱乐力求在我们所有的交易中尽可能透明. 我们的 年度报告 工会运动中的最佳实践是什么. 我们的报告准则是一致的-在某些情况下, 提前——要求下的 公平工作法.
新萄京娱乐 is structured on both sectional (industry/professional) and branch (geographical) lines. Member representatives are elected to our governing bodies as representatives of sections and branches as well as on a national basis to federal offices.
The 2014 联邦委员会 adopted the final stages of our governance changes, including:
• the use of merit selection of senior staff in place of elected officers of federal secretary and branch secretaries (now known as the chief executive and regional directors),
The key governing body of 新萄京娱乐 is the 联邦委员会 – elected members representing their colleagues across the country. 他们的任期为两年. 阅读更多 新萄京官方的工作方式.
The remaining positions of employed elected officers lapsed at the 2014-2015 biennial elections or, 早些时候, 如果现任者离职.
The 2014 联邦委员会 adapted the strategic plan endorsed by the 2012 Council and this has continued to guide the work of the 新萄京娱乐 and has been the basis of reporting on activities to Council and to members through the Annual Report.
The 年度报告 is the key tool for reporting and disclosure to members about financial and organisational matters. 我们继续力求使报告尽可能全面. 阅读以前的年度报告 在这里.
We have established a program of governance training for all appropriate honorary officers and activists including federal councillors.
新萄京娱乐是一个注册的工业组织,由雇员组成 《2009年公平工作(注册组织)法 并被要求每年披露薪酬, 当选官员收到的报酬或福利. 阅读更多,包括最新的披露报告, 在这里.
Central to best-practice unionism is having clear and understood policies, processes and procedures.
We launched our first set of consolidated policies and procedures in 2001 and released versions in 2004 and 2006.
确保我们的流程是最好的, 新萄京娱乐 is planning to benchmark its processes in the finance section against the International Standards Organisation. We are considering ways to run an ethical screen over these policies to ensure they encourage appropriate behaviour by all staff and officers.
As part of the review of processes, we are developing a new induction process for all new staff. 作为委员会治理审查的一部分, we will develop an induction process for each committee including section and branch committees. 这将包括我们的程序本身的培训.
We continue to ensure 新萄京娱乐 has processes to ensure that union resources are used in a way that is transparent and accountable. Members have a right to be confident that the money they pay in membership fees is being spent appropriately.
像所有的工会一样, 新萄京娱乐 operates under Australian law which provides for the tightest regulation of unions anyw在这里 in the developed world. 法律对工会规则有一系列要求, to ensure democratic control of unions by members and financial accountability including annual independent audits.
新萄京娱乐力求在这些法律的文字和精神范围内运作. Specifically, we have processes to ensure that members can retain their confidence in how we operate.
新萄京娱乐 finances are independently audited within four months of the end of each financial year. The audit report is published in this 年度报告 and made available before the end of November each year. Some aspects 新萄京娱乐’s operations – such as payments to members of recovered payments – are subject to audit more frequently.
我们的 finance section prepares regular reports throughout the year that enable the board to review our income and our expenditure against our budgetary guidelines each month and each quarter.
确保我们有能力妥善管理自己的财务, 我们的财务总监是一名合格的特许会计师. We are investing in training for our other senior finance staff to ensure they all have appropriate advanced accounting skills.
像大多数类似的组织一样, we use credit cards issued in the name of specific staff to pay for costs they necessarily incur in carrying out their duties for the 新萄京娱乐. 作为一个组织, 我们也会用这些卡来支付各种账单, 尤其是需要信用卡的在线支付. 我们产生的许多费用只能方便地用信用卡支付.
每个月, each card-holder is required to explain any charges they have made on their card and provide appropriate documentation. These expenses are allocated against the appropriate budget line and authorised by two of the senior officers or staff. 任何人不得独自授权自己的开支. 当然,我们所有的开支都要经过年度审计. 信用卡不得用于个人消费或预支现金.
新萄京娱乐 uses third-party contractors for a range of services that cannot be provided in-house. 其中包括审计, 法律费用, 印刷出版, 技术支持, 电话及其他通讯. 重大的一次性费用(如建筑物翻新)在出现时投标. Continuing relationships are reviewed at least every three or five years to determine if they should be put out to tender. 任何决定都是基于成本和质量. Conflicts of interest between contractors on the one hand and officers and staff of 新萄京娱乐 on the other are avoided and t在这里 are no conflicts in any current relationships.
我们的 general policy on our providers is to review our major external service providers every three years unless other events require more frequent review. This review is conducted by the chief executive and the financial controller with appropriate input from other relevant staff. 这项审查在11月进行.
作为审查的一部分, 我们决定是否继续目前的安排, 重新谈判或投标. 如果我们投标, 然后我们会根据成本来决定, 服务质量和范围, 关系的质量, 对我们工会和行业的承诺以及道德和其他方面的考虑.
工资每年根据主要谈判协议的平均值进行调整. 工作人员的薪酬是在他们开始就业时确定的, 基于对技能和经验的评估.
年度审查包括工资, 虽然员工年薪高达60美元,000 (including administrative staff) have access to annual increments subject to satisfactory performance. 任何加薪都需要得到行政长官的批准.
Salaries of staff are reported in the 年度报告 in a banding table that compares salaries on a year-on-year basis. The salaries of the employed regional directors are set by the chief executive through the performance review process.
我们按每晚60美元的固定标准报销员工外出旅行的费用, 除非为工作人员提供餐食, 例如, 他或她正在参加一个活动.